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PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 11:17 am
by Angel of Death
I have a few ideas All are mines.


1. Proximity Mines
2. Timed Mines
3. Remote Mines
4. Land Mine
5. Claymore Mines

All mines will be deployed via throwing or by a launcher for increased distance, With the exception of the claymore mine. Must crouch to place this mine. (launcher will cost credits)

Proximity Mines- Mines will blow up if a player comes within a certain range of it. (5-10 feet)

Timed Mines- Mines will be deployed. After deployment the mine will blow up after 10 seconds. If you so choose you could make an option toselect the amount of time it will detonate in.

I.E. 1 minute, 10 seconds,30 seconds, etc.

Remote Mines- Mine will be deployed and there after the player will choose this weapon and plress the fire button when desired. At that point the mine will explode.

Land Mine- Mine blends in with the surrounding area so that you can bearly see them. Only blows up when you setp on it.

Claymore Mines- Will be a directional mine. Mine is placed in desired direction. At detonation explosive forces will only affect those who are in front of the mine.

Optional settings would be shrapnel to inflict more damage. (nails, screws, etc)

Counter Measures:

1. A device that pinpoints the mines and what types they are for easy navigation around them.
2. Blast armor would also protect you

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 11:23 am
by Maks
But dew grenades are already proximity mines/grenades and they can be remotly detonated. I choose the timed mines I guess...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 11:40 am
by ShabbyBoy
I also choose for the timed mines, beacause thats the best of then for me... The idea i pretty good, but it would be difficult to set those different times i guess... Also, i think there should be a weapon again without a explosion, like the flamethrower...

PostPosted: Wed Jun 09, 2004 2:56 pm
by FluffyKitty.deadm
I think the dew nades actually satisfy most of these requirements. I do have a few questions. If you could answer them I would apprecuate it.

Claymore - What is the tactical advantage of having a directional munition? If the server was a friendly fire server I could see it used for defensive perimiters (the way the army uses them).

Timed Mines - What is the tatctical advantage of a timed mine? Isn't it basically a he-grenade? How would if differ from an he-grenade?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 4:59 pm
by Angel of Death
The tactical advadntage of a claymore mine the ability to protect an entrance from intrusian by the enemy. For example in any hostage map and your one of the last T's defending against mulptiple CT's then you could deploy these mines infront of the hostages and it would protect against the CT's from getting them while you can continue to hunt them down. Should the CT's get to the hosties before you find them the CT's will get blown to peices without injuring the hosties. Also it is a way of deturring a chase. If you are being chased and you do not have 100 hp then you can plant a mine and when it blows you will not be affected by the explosion only your opponent will. Other ways to use this weapon is to place it near the bombsite after planting the C4. This will blowup any CT attempting to defusethe bomb and can be applied in numerous other situations.

The advantages of a Timed mine is the ability to set the amount of time untill detonation. You might use this weapon when guestimating the time it will take the T's to get to the bomb site and plant the bomb. You can then program it to detonate at that time (unlikely). Second you can use this for sequential detonations. clear your self a path with mines detonating 5 seconds apart of however long you like.
The main tactical advantage is being able to set the desired amount of time until detonation.