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Armor Piercing Bullets

PostPosted: Sat Apr 07, 2007 7:58 pm
by lnx[art]
Ever had a player buy blast armor, causing a huge lead for that players team? Even though the armor has several counter measures, i.e. slowing down and high cost, it still causes the player to have high health and other bonuses that seem to outwiegh the negative.

I porpose armor piercing bullets. These do exist in real life, used to take out tank drivers and others, so it is realistic. These could be fired from a weaker gun such as the m5 to counter-balance advantages. I guess they count as a gun, perhaps an improved m5?

-Double(triple?) normal damage on Blast Armor
-Shoots through vehicle walls

-normal damage on normal people
-fired from m5
-replaces primary weapon

I can't think of more negatives, but I'm sure there should be more.

Comments/Suggestions? :D

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 3:33 am
by FluffyKitty.deadm
The flare gun uses armor piercing rounds that do a lot of damage to blast armor, and normal players. Since an armor piercing round would be more deadly against all armor. Even the std Kevlar in CS. From the web site:
The m3 portion uses specially designed teflon coated rounds that do more damage and have grater range than a standard shotgun.
The round is based off Rino Armor piercing rounds. Also the flame thrower and RPG do a lot of damage to blast armor.