ATB addon

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ATB addon

Postby grims » Tue Nov 13, 2007 9:51 pm
Ok we need this i don't care what you say i see people wait in spec just to be on the winning teams
what this will do is switch alive players to the losing team so say team is winning and im alive at the end of the round it will switch me with my gun to there team to help out that way there is no controversy over team stacking like i accuse terrorizer for doing which i know hes doing but he says hes not doing do i try not to argue with him cause it does no good typing out a frigin book about how i saw him sit there and get kicked cause he could join the team that was winning BUT i am rambling like i so often do
I just think this would make the server so much better instead of poor lnx by himself vs me and someone else cause the other guy wont switch cause hes a loser and then we have to kill our selfs to switch
I also think this thing makes it so if the team is winning no one can join the team and forces them to the correct side
you don't really need to use this one its kind of like an example to go by if you would like to make your own that would be good to
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Postby terrorizorpwns » Tue Nov 13, 2007 10:18 pm

i dont stack teams cuz when i join a team that has 13 wins and the other them has 23 wins and both teams have 2 players jsut because you were on the team with 13 wins dosent make it stacking the reasing it would be stacking it if i would joing the winning team whitch in that case was the team you weret on and i didnt join so stop accusing me of staccking and learn the drffinition of stacking before you put false accusications out there.
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Postby Hit~Me » Wed Nov 14, 2007 9:06 am

If it were up to me i would do away with the stats. That is the only reason to load teams is to boost your stat numbers. But that is just me
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Postby terrorizorpwns » Wed Nov 14, 2007 10:19 am

alot of people join the winning team jsut so they can live and not die i have seen this in alot of new players that come in the server and have no idea what they are doing
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Postby Maks » Wed Nov 14, 2007 12:09 pm

What do you care what other people do so long as you can shoot them. All this whining about something as small as that. People do what makes themselves happy I guess is why they do it.
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Postby grims » Wed Nov 14, 2007 2:56 pm

well terrorizor it was 12 -16 i was on the 12 with another person so the teams were 3 on 2 and instead of you going to the other team i saw you wait there in the spec mode till that guy left then it was 14 -16 and i was still on the so called losing team even tho the other team had people that were 1 kill and 13 deaths while i was 12 and 2 and corndog was 20 and something so i would figure that the other team was losing not the team i was on AND i know what the meaning of stacking is and it was what you did

Fluff if you could just try it out for a day or too see how it works if it horrible then get rid of it i just think it will help the server alot since i make people leave when i doo too good LOL
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Postby FluffyKitty.deadm » Thu Nov 15, 2007 5:41 am

since i make people leave when i doo too good LOL
If you are the person causing the teams to be stacked then join the other team. Please do not use these forums to flame/complain about players, it is not why the forums exist.

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Postby terrorizorpwns » Thu Nov 15, 2007 10:40 am

grims wrote:well terrorizor it was 12 -16 i was on the 12 with another person so the teams were 3 on 2 and instead of you going to the other team i saw you wait there in the spec mode till that guy left then it was 14 -16 and i was still on the so called losing team even tho the other team had people that were 1 kill and 13 deaths while i was 12 and 2 and corndog was 20 and something so i would figure that the other team was losing not the team i was on AND i know what the meaning of stacking is and it was what you did

Fluff if you could just try it out for a day or too see how it works if it horrible then get rid of it i just think it will help the server alot since i make people leave when i doo too good LOL

i wasnt waiting in spec mode i was afk and got up to get a drink while my computer connected and when i came in i joined the losing team
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Postby grims » Thu Nov 15, 2007 2:58 pm

ok fluff im not stacking teams when i said i make people leave its true you know that when i come on and do good people leave cause they are pissed
and ok terrorizor im sorry you not a team stacker
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Postby lnx[art] » Fri Nov 16, 2007 6:02 pm

hey grim, is your period key broken? i haven't seen one in any of your posts :lol:

anyways this topic isn't/shouldn't be about accusations of stackage. It's about vote_autobalance. I for on am for it, it would help me at least when i can't survive 30 seconds on a map because of unfair teams. But it wouldn't be permanent, just a vote.

BTW grim people who refuse to use periods get skipped by me. i see one huge sentence and stop reading. just FYI
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Postby Kane » Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:06 pm

Could you reconsider a stronger ATB system? It gets frustrating when all the good people are in one team, and the new players are in another. It also gets frustrating how people stack so very often, especially one player who does it every chance he gets and now has been trying to use "legit" excuses to stack. Only could wonder who he is. So like grim suggested, a auto team balance that would switch players without killing them and allow them to keep their equipment, but have it run every round, so if one team is too good, a player(s) will be switched to even out the skill levels of the team.

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Postby FluffyKitty.deadm » Wed Feb 20, 2008 10:25 am

Since this seems to be a hot topic I will throw out two ideas of how Team Balance might work (feed back welcome):

Idea One:
- As players join, they would be forced to select the team, "Random Team".
- This means when connecting you would no longer be given the option of picking a team. The server would select the team for you.
- The Spectator team would be blocked so players could not join it.
- Re balance during the game would occur the same way it does now, based on number of players on each team.

Idea Two:
- Players could join any team they like (with in the current limitations of team balance based on number of players).
- The re-balance mechanism would be triggered based on the difference in the number of wins.
- The loosing team (at round start) may be given extra health, armor, or possible bullet damage increased.
- The winning team (at round start) may loose health, armor, or have bullet damage reduced.
- Re balance would also occur based on the number of players on each team, the same way it does now.
- Fluffy Kitty.deadm

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Postby Chris_in_Jersey » Thu Feb 21, 2008 6:06 pm

i have to say that idea 1 of fluffy's isn't that bad. i think though that how the server selects the team you join is by the current score of each team and by the number of players on each team. i.e. 3 players to 4 players score is 3-4, 3 players have score 3, it would select for you to be on the team with the team of 3, but say in another example that the players are 3 to 4 and the score is that the 3 players have a score of 4 and the 4 players have a score of 3, it would place you on the team with the lowest number of people in this given case the "winning team" but it won't be consedered stacking because if you were to auto- select teams it would place you there but also currently in the server if this example were the case you would not be able to join the losing team because of the number of players. it's as simple as that
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Postby AsGoodAsDead » Mon Mar 17, 2008 2:55 pm

Either idea is great fluffy, but i really prefer the idea of the handicaps for the losing team. I mean, it will be much more complicated then just taking away the team select options and removing the spectators, but it might be more interesting and slightly more fair. But we must remember that it still wouldn't be "fair" because the losing team is given an advantage, and that the 'once winning' team (knowing of the new boosters the losers are getting) would be whining about the unfairness of it...OVERALL i guess I am saying that the BEST option is number one.
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