Shrew's Deadm Guide

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Shrew's Deadm Guide

Postby shrew.deadm » Mon Jan 26, 2004 1:14 am

Deadm Guide v1.0

Do you feel like a sitting duck as you lazily float through the air across enemy grounds. Baffled at why your shots seem to miss at the most random times? Ambushed while hooking across the map? Well friend, maybe I can help you out.

There are several basic and a few advanced techniques for adjusting to your new physics. First, ill cover the basics, assuming you've played a minimal amount of time on our server.

The Basics

1. Spraying in the air is pointless!

Its roughly comparable to shooting off of a ladder. Imagine every possible place your bullet could land as a circle, this circle is smallest when crouched and completly still. Now, when in midair this circle is roughly the size of Kansas. Now, there is one exception to this rule which i will discuss in the advanced section. But for the most part, the only time you'll want to spray in the air is when your within about 10 feet of your target.

2. Long hooks are a bad thing.

You never want to hook for long distances that big red line iminating from your torso equates to a flare setoff in a dark room. Chances are, if your shooting it across such a great distance, your pretty high up, so people all over the map can see this. If your the last one alive on your team, this is a sure way to give yourself up. Also, the speed of that the hook pulls you is 95% that of running speed, so your not moving any faster, i suggest running the distance than either leaping up or making a few quick spider-man esque hooks.

3. Getting over a ninety degree roof edge

What i mean by this is when your hooking up a wall and you get to a sharp edge at the top. The way to get your body hurled onto the roof is to release the hook just as your about to reach it. Once you've cleared the roof do a quick hook to the level ground to minimize air time, thus giving anyone you might have surprised less time to react.

4. Use your hook as a steering mechanism.

Personally, i believe this is the most usefull application of the hook, before it was added to the server we would have to wait a few LONG seconds to land from a jump. But when useing the hook properly you can minimize your chances of dieing when under fire from the ground. Use your hook to pull yourself horizontally behind something, i.e. crates, buildings, etc. Or, conversly, use it to hook to the ground for a quicker descent, however, remember to release the hook after you re-direct yourself towards the ground, your rate towards the ground will increase exponentially as opposed to a constant slower rate if you kept the hook on.

Some Advanced Tips


When floating through the air your first shot is a ton more accurate than any shot following it for some reason. But only your first shot, every shot fired after this will be as inaccurate as a ladder shot. The one way to circumvent this is to hook to a surface, as soon as the hook connects you can release it and the fall is reset thusly giving you another semi-accurate shot. I only reccomdend this in more dire situations. Generally, your going to want to get to the ground as soon as possible. And if they havent seen you yet, dont give yourself away.

Jump/Weapon Switch

This ones kind of fun to try out, its worked just about as much as it has not, its based more on the skill of your opponent. When in a firefight, if you hear the ominous click of a empty chamber you can switch to second weapon and while the weapon switches, about .5 second, do a quick leap, then almost as quickly hook to the ground. This creates quick jerky changes in direction and thusly, a diffrent way to avoid instant death!!! Try it out and see if it works for you.

Do not run/crouch

This one took me a bit to realise, but when your running, and you hit crouch, you float in the air for a fraction of a second and have the accuracy of someone jumping. This happens do to the fact that in low gravity, when your running your body adds the forward momentum and your body curls up in the air, in effect, lifting your feet off the ground. Your body then follows the gravity algorithm till it lands. It is best to stop then crouch, it may seem like it would take longer, but the time you save is more.

Small Edges

These create a small amount of air time when you run across them, and at the wrong time can be highly inconvient, try to note whats ahead of you (steps, curbes).

This is my first time ever writing any type of guide, perhaps it will help some of you learn a new trick. Im sure many of the more accustomed players have learned these tips unconsciouslly. If any of you have anything to add please post it! This is far from a final version.

Thank you, and enjoy Deadman Standing. [/b]
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Hook tactics and stealth.

Postby Monkeyboy » Mon Apr 05, 2004 10:09 pm

If you are caught in mid over an enemy, you are very vulnerable. If he hasn't seen you, the last thing you want to do is hook. Wait until the last possible moment to hook, or try to avoid hooking at all. Why? The hook makes noise. With no footsteps, deadm is a very quiet server, so the noise of your hook is more likely to be heard and attract attention. The best thing to do is jump over somebody, and watch them as you float over their heads. As you drop down, start drawing a bead on them. As soon as you touch down, or right before you touch down, blast away. They won't know what hit them.

Secondly it makes almost no sense to shoot while floating or hooking. If you find that you are getting shot at while floating try to hook to the ground or behind something. While this doesn't always have the desired effect it will at least give you a fighting chance.

Third, keep in mind that you can usually accomplish the same thing with a long jump that you could with a hook. In fact I think (can someone confirm this) that you will actually be traveling faster than with the hook. If I remeber correctly hooked speed is some fraction of what standard moving speed. With that in mind it is always faster too hook with a knife or pistol than with a gun.

Next, if you missed your hook shot, consider not trying again. If you were hooking towards an enemy he is likly to have been alerted to your presence. Nows the time to try a different route, or let him think about you and look for you, before you try again.

Finally, the hook is quite useful, but be aware that it's noise allerts your enemy that someone is nearby, so only use it to complete a manuever, or when nobody is around to hear you. There's nothing that sucks more than hooking all the way to the top of de_twintowers to have your head shot off right as you clear the edge. All because your hook noise alerted the guy at the top that you were comming.
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virus's deadm guild

Postby Guest » Fri Aug 20, 2004 1:28 pm

thats right, virus's secrets revealed :wink:

This has come out to be pretty long, but might be worth it...

okay im going to just add on a bit to what shrew has said.

long hooks are not necessarily a bad thing, yes they give away your position but you can use them to lure and trick people out of holes and just in general.

the airshot... yes the first shot is semi-accurate for most guns, people think glock and mp5 are very accurate, but to my senses they arnt that accurate either, they're "semi-accurate" as shrew put it, but through playing, i have found the true Perfect Air Aiming Gun it is the sig-550, aka the terrorist auto sniper, the first shot ALWAYS hits, and if you're good you'll aim for their head, being a 1 bullet hs and making them go crazy with words like "how the, and what the, and you lucky, etc."

the "jump/switch" topic... okay i for one use it a lot, it works well and depends on the opponents reflexes and sights like shrew said, i prefer to use it to reload, i jump and hook repeatedly (IN DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS, not just up and down in the same spot, be creative) until im fully reloaded and feed them a few bullets to the head, switching is the thing to do, but its just instinct really, do you think you can pistol them is the question, since fast switch sort of lags, and pushing ur #2 key and then pushing mouse1 is a bit of trouble

do not run/crouch, well... its not necessarily that u cant run and crouch, its that u cant crouch and let go, you dont have to even run to make you float in air, just tap crouch and u will bounce in air a little, if you want to run and crouch, run and HOLD DOWN crouch.

hook as a steering mechanism, well a long hook isn't always bad as i said earlier, you have to know when to use a short hook and a long hook, short hook being you hook and let go to let it push you, long hook meaning to hold your hook, use your short hook when going fast, use your long hook when trying to keep silent and not make as much noise

binding kamikazi and other "say"ings; okay after being a stingy person about this, i am releasing it to those who dont know, in console type bind "key" "say kamikazi" YES YOU NEED THE QUOTES, an example; bind "h" "say kamikazi" (this is what i use) or bind "h" "virus learn to share kills..."(funny thing someone said to me) use this in any emergency situations, where there are too many people or you see an opportunity to blow em all up

fast kamikazi : bind key kill, example; bind j kill, this will kill you and you will explode, use this in situations when you dont want people to run away, (not always good)

kamikazi note: if you're the last person and someone kills you or you kill yourself with the bind, you will not blow up, if you're the last person you must wait for the 15 second timer to go to 0, then you will blow others up

note : a person shooting up will always have more range of shooting you, a person on a ledge cannot shoot at a 90/180(i forgot which, but directly down) degree angle, and that person cannot move to get more angle on that person, but the person on the bottom has a better chance of shooting you. That only applies in situations where you try to camp above something such as a door, otherwise the person on higher ground usually has more advantage because they can see more.

note#2 : dont spray in air, i see many people try to do it thinking they will actually hit someone, that goes the same as when you're on a ladder, stay on the floor, RUN, RELOAD, SHOOT, i get tired of people who thinking they're so pro, unless they have a sig-550 autosniper

note#3 : killing people who has a higher rank/more skill ranking than you, gives you more skill than just killing a random new person

HOW TO BUNNY HOP/AIR BUNNY HOP : yes many people like to know how to this now dont they? it works in the air too usually called the "air strafe or air bunny hop" to bunny hop ask yourself this, when you try to bunny hop do you hold foward? well it doesnt quite work that way, to bunny hop you use only your mouse, your jump button, and your left and right strafe button, okay start running a little then jump and push left strafe and move your mouse to the left, then move your mouse to the right along with pushing right strafe and jump, if this is confusing im sorry, if you dont understand, im sorry again, but if you dont understand this then i cant help you ;x.

HOW TO AVOID A NUKE ;x : when you see a nuke launched, type retry in console, hahaha, yes you avoid the nuke but now you've just rejoined the server ;x. (this trick is pointless but hey you still avoid the nuke right?)

How to take advantage of fireworks : fireworks cause lots of noise right? use this to use loud things like hooks connecting over and over, use your imagination, and think of something shrug. (pretty pointless too but hey i dont know)

want more kills? are you a jerk? (sorry if i cant say jerk, not sure) well if the answer is yes to both, then you probably already know this, the bad thing called "baiting" you let someone or some people on your team go first to damage the opponents, and then you run in and take their kills.

using credits wisely: use drunk missiles in wide open places such as megacrazycar, and my favorite de_omg. heatseekers can be used on these maps pretty nicely too, they can also be used on any maps with not many walls, heatseeker is probably the most versitile weapon there is, you should use napalm on maps such as the recently removed map (my favorite) fy_bloodstrike, or was it cs_? or de_? i forgot but yeah... napalms the obvious choice to pick on small maps, mp5 nade launchers, you should use those in open field places, i like the mario map, the small fy one, i forgot what it was called, its good for that map, blast armor is good for all maps but expensive, preferably used on a small map so you can get more kills, flare gun, meh im not a big fan of this gun, its good if you want to ruin someone who just spend 10-12 credits on a heatseeker or drunk missile, mean but i guess some people are just mean? dew nades, dont particulary have interest in this weapon either, but you could use it on maps such as assault and to protect hostages/bomb sites, flame armor, bleh... use it to protect yourself from flames? shrug, might want to combind it with napalm so you dont kill yourself.

heres a game to test out your reflexes, go to, and play the reflex games, they may or may not help you, it depends on the person.

well i cant think of anything else right now, if you want to talk, my
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Postby Machensisonline » Tue Jun 13, 2006 5:27 pm

for point 4 on your list is a good idea

use hook as a gudicen
witch if you do straf you get warning
after a couble you get banned

also use hook when theres a lot of people playing
when you and someone eles are fighting 1v1
hok shot and grabbing onto surface give out a lound noise
the noise can roughfly can travel 80ft(i dont know)of were it contacted surface
with will easily give away postion
in that case that is the only time you should jump without hooking
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