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Want a Map Played on the Server?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 25, 2004 10:08 am
by FluffyKitty.deadm
This forum is dedicated entirely to suggestions and conversations about new maps. If you know a map you feel would be good for the server create a thread in this forum and tell us about the map. Please include the name of the map and a location where it can be downloaded. Please include only one map per thread (it makes it easier for us to track the requests).


PostPosted: Fri Jun 25, 2004 8:27 am
by FluffyKitty.deadm
This is a good bit of information that was in a previous post. The five maps that are displayed for users to vote on are selected as follows:

Option 1) Is Always a map out of the top 20 most liked maps based on the, "Do You Like This Map?" votes.

Option 2) Is either a new map (if a map pack has just been released). Or is a randomly selected map from all available maps.

Option3) Always a randomly selected map from all available maps.

Option4) Always a randomly selected map from all available maps.

Option5) Always a randomly selected map from all available maps.

Addtionally the voting scripts only allow the same map to be played once every 15 maps to prevent the same map from being constantly played.

Maps that have more "No" votes than "Yes" votes based on the results of the, "Do you like this map?" vote are removed from the server when a new map pack is released.

You can view the results of the, "Do you like this map?" votes on the main web page.

The rank page is updated once a day.