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Changing your mind about Source?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:45 pm
by Skeetles
I know that Fluffy wants some things to be released for source before he thinks about switching or expanding to it, but its taking a long time. VAC for Source is pretty damn good, when I was an admin on the c4a:S zombie server I never saw one hacker, and that is when I played CS:S every hour. I went onto other servers and never saw a hacker. I searched every hacking site I know of and I did not find a single good hack that anyone would use. Not only that but sourceop ( has been released and sourcemod (the AMXX source plugin) will be done sometime soon. Basically I just want to see some of these awesome weapons on the Source engine before SiN:Episodes takes over my online gaming. The source engine allows for a lot of flexibility (according to some people I know) and someone talented in coding could really make some fun stuff. This is just a quick thought someone might want to consider.

BTW I have been playing a lot of Source lately.